Gratitude: Who do you Love?

November marks my favorite time of year. It is a month centered around giving thanks. sister_love_375_500_90Whenever I think of what I’m most grateful for, my sister is always the first person to come to mind. She is one of the main reasons I remain an optimist and she reaffirms my sense of spirituality on an almost daily basis.

Why am I so grateful for my sister? She is a constant friend. She is the person I go to when I want to share in my successes. She is the person I turn to for support. She is the person who I wish to share so much of my free time with because it is utterly enjoyable to be in her presence.

What makes her so utterly enjoyable? She is kind. She demonstrates a commitment to compassion and love. She always seeks to place herself in someone else’s shoes, making her a model of empathy. She has done her work. My sister has embraced her own humanness. She understands her struggles and her imperfections. She knows how they developed and she recognizes that in certain ways she came into the world with innate traits. She has let go of the judgment of herself (or is in the process of letting go) and holds herself in high regard. It is nice to be with people who love themselves. That feeling is contagious—I am more willing to accept myself as I witness others embracing who they are. It doesn’t feel so scary to accept.

Why does this mean so much to me? She is the yin to my yang. I have never met someone who is, “The Answer” besides her. In a tribal sense, I feel so deeply rooted with her. She grew up in the same family as me, so we understand this world in a very similar sense. Yet, she answers my queries, my concerns, and my heartaches in a way I’m not always able to get to on my own. She constantly reaffirms my belief in something greater because her presence in my life is ever a gift. Her existence reminds me how precious life is, no matter what is going on around me. I’m thankful she’s given me the gift of unconditional love.




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