Category Archives: Articles

Family Activity Sheet

The following is a list of joining ideas for your family.  Practice at least one a week and note the difference in your family life.   Give hugs to each person in your family.   Draw names and do a random act of service for the person you drew.   Pick someone outside of your […]

Book Review: Reconciliation, Healing the Inner Child

Thich Nhat Hanh uses mindfulness and meditation as tools to apply to childhood wounds. His voice is ever calm and compassionate, creating a safe space for the reader to look at their pain without judgment or shame. He addresses the child inside all of us and asks to pay loving attention to the child within. […]

Sobriety Q&A With an Alumni Student

Satya had the fortune of conducting a Q&A with an alumni student about her recovery from substance abuse. This young woman has nine years of sobriety to her credit. In this written interview, we learn more about her journey with recovery.  Please tell us about your history of substance abuse…how old were you? What triggered […]

Book Review: The Mood Cure

There are many reasons I love this book, as a clinician, family coach, and student of nutrition. The Mood Cure is easily consumable and loaded with helpful facts that link food to mood. What sets this book apart is Julia Ross‘ approach of addressing mood in a four step process: gaining perspective on your moods, […]

The Power of Reframe

Reframing is a technique taken from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that helps people learn to challenge their negative beliefs and meet them with a more positive outlook. People struggling with depression, PTSD, anxiety, or tenuous family dynamics can often have the tendency to experience life colored by negative perceptions. Reframing helps teach the brain to entertain […]

The Power of Breath, Guest Post by Joanne Varni

Joanne is a Yoga Alliance Certified ERYT500 and completed her certifications through Jennifer Prugh’s JOY of Yoga teacher trainings. She is a certified Trauma Sensitive Yoga teacher having received her certification through TSY under the renowned guidance of Bessel van der Kolk. Her Yoga Therapeutics certification was completed with Cheri Clampett and Arturo Peal and she […]


As the holiday season approaches, I’ve paid particular attention to the cheerful command to be happy about them! This season always puts a lift in my step, as I experience a stronger sense of community with strangers and loved ones alike—we all have occasion to come together and celebrate. This reminder to do life with […]

Pearls From the Fox Hole: Single Parenting a Hard Core, High Needs Kid

This is a special post, written anonymously from an alumni parent. Though it is written for single parents, I encourage all parents to read these helpful words. Here are some pearls that really work –– pearls gleaned from kids in the muck, from therapists, and treatment centers. Pearls culled from hard core experts. These are […]

Managing Your Teen’s Emotional Reactivity

One of the most common dynamics I encounter with families is this: when the teen starts to spiral into emotional reactivity, the parents go down with the ship! It often feels like parents don’t have a choice–it’s too difficult to watch their child in distress and the pressure is on to either put out the […]

TED Talk: Why 30 is not the New 20

Meg Jay is a psychologist specializing in work with “twentysomethings.” View her TED Talk  to learn more about this special age group and the unique experience young women in their twenties encounter today. After viewing her talk, answer the following questions: How do you feel you’re doing with the 3 main strategies to reclaim your […]